Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Weekly Information Update #4
      January 20, 2014
Construction has started on US-89 North of Kanab between mileposts 65 and 68. The road is now closed to all traffic Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 11:30 am until approximately
April 11th.

The road closure is necessary while construction crews blast rock cliffs and clear debris. This will allow for the realignment of US-89 through the area and create a wider and safer roadway. The Utah Department of Transportation is constructing improvements to US-89 from the 300 North intersection in Kanab to the Kanab Creek Bridge near MP 68.
The 3-mile long project will provide:
* Pavement resurfacing
* Wider Shoulders
* Various roadway alignment shifts throughout the project
* Acceleration lane at the Port of Entry
The winter construction schedule has been designed to safeguard the local economy by avoiding interference with the tourist season. By excavating rock during a season of lower traffic volume, engineers also hope to safely maintain traffic when the road is open, keep the work zone safe and maintain steady production rates so paving can begin when temperatures are sufficiently warm in the spring.
Weekly Construction News
Over the Martin Luther King Holiday, January 20, crews will follow their normal construction schedule.

Monday, January 20 - Friday, January 24

From 7 am to 8:30 am one lane travel with pilot cars and flaggers will be in place.

From 8:30 am to 11:30 am US-89 is closed to all traffic from MP 65 - MP 68.

From 11:30 am to 6:00 pm one lane travel with pilot cars and flaggers will be in place.

From 6:00 pm to 7 am The roadway will be open to two lane travel.
Excavation work is moving ahead at different areas on the project. Several trucks and earth moving equipment are operational during construction hours.
This week on the project crews will continue to pioneer temporary roads to allow for drilling equipment to have access. The drilling equipment will begin drilling for blasting operations when feasible.

A test blast could be conducted on the project this week pending approval by appropriate agencies. This blast will be coordinated with local officials and state fire officials.

Motorists will notice an increase in truck traffic. The added trucks will continue to move material from the dig sites to the dump sites. Most debris removed from the dig sites will be used as fill material in other areas on the project.

Work continues on a new box culvert near MP66. Crews are forming the new box and reinforcing the structure with rebar. Lengthening the structure will allow for the new alignment of the roadway and more efficiently handle run-off water.
About 100,000 cubic yards of material will be moved from the roadway excavation to the dump sites on the project. The material dumped will shore-up the existing roadway and provide needed fill for the Kane County Water Conservancy District.

With the cultural history present in the construction area an Archeologist is on-site at all times during construction to assist with any sensitive operations.
During an emergency situation where emergency responders need to travel through the construction zone they will be allowed to do so. The contractor will maintain a pathway through the project at all times for any emergency situations and will be coordinating with the Kane County Sheriff's office.
Public Involvement
All questions regarding the construction schedule and travel access should be directed to Lisa Beck or Dave Asay from FrontLine Public Involvement.
They will coordinate with citizens and businesses in providing accurate construction impact information.  
Frontline Project Managers are Lisa Beck - 801.663.1711 and Dave Asay - 801.712.3030. 
All media inquiries should be directed to UDOT Region 4 Communications Manager Kevin Kitchen at or the department's media hotline at 801-746-9932.  
"Held up in Kanab"
The Volunteer Center in Kanab is coordinating a local effort to help tourists with the closure on US-89. They have produced a brochure with information about local business discounts, various tours and activities travelers can participate in while waiting for the daily closure to end. There will be refreshments at the Visitor Center in Kanab and at the Moqui Cave parking area on the North end of the project for tourists.   
If you would like to get involved contact Vicki Hooper 435.644.3696 or email
Quick Links
Project Hotline
Project Radio Station
For roadway info
24 hours a day
tune to 92.7 FM
on your radio.
As an added safety precaution work stops on the project as traffic passes various active excavation sites to prevent debris from falling on automobiles.
Traffic Information

US-89 is narrowed to a one lane operation Monday - Friday from 7:00 am to 8:30 am and 11:30 am to 6:00pm. Traffic will be controlled with pilot cars and flagging. Motorists can expect up to a 20 minute delay while waiting in the queue.

Daily closures on US-89 are from 8:30 am to 11:30 am, Monday through Friday.

From approximately 6:00 pm to 7:00 am there will be two lane travel through the construction area with reduced speeds.

The above traffic schedule will continue through April 11th.

Motorists are asked to obey all traffic signs and keep speeds to a minimum.

Construction personnel will be working next to active traffic lanes. Be aware of their proximity and follow the path of the pilot cars. 

Speed limits have been reduced through the construction zone at all times.   

A UDOT Project

1 comment:

  1. do you think i can get three dump truck loads of that dirt to repair were a flash flood came thru my yard a few months ago
